

Raid on Lindisfarne

Heavenly Havoc: Lindisfarne and the Dawn of the Viking Age

On June 8, 793, Vikings shattered the peace of Lindisfarne, the heart of English Christianity. This brutal raid wasn’t just about loot; it symbolized a clash that would redefine medieval Europe.
2 min read
47 Rōnin

Rōnin Rising: From Feudal Outcasts to Cultural Icons

In feudal Japan, “ronin,” meaning “wave man,” were masterless samurai—drifters once bound by bushido, now wandering society’s fringes, from noble warriors to struggling outcasts, embodying survival and dishonor.
2 min read
Norse Warfare

Viking Valor: Norse Warfare and Conquest

Vikings, the sea-sailing enigmas, kicked off battles with longbows to soften up enemies from afar. Once close, they switched to spears, axes, and swords. Their raids, marked by fleets of sleek longships, left Europe in awe of their tactical prowess and sudden strikes.
2 min read
The Siege of Osaka

The Siege of Osaka

In 1614, the Winter Siege of Osaka unfolds—a clash of cold ambitions between the Toyotomi and Tokugawa clans, mirroring cutthroat global plays. It’s a saga of betrayal, power grabs, and a stark lesson in the timeless game of thrones.
2 min read

Shape-Shifting Warriors: The Mystical Mojo of Norse Berserkers

Norse myths buzz with berserkers—flesh-and-blood heavies who’d shape-shift into beasts, cranking up their fury for battle. These legends link us directly to ancient Norse gods and their wild, mystical ways.
2 min read
The Battle of Sekigahara

Swords and Schemes: The Battle of Sekigahara and the Dawn of Tokugawa Rule

On October 21, 1600, the Battle of Sekigahara erupted, a seismic clash shaping Japan’s future. As samurais from east and west dueled, the fate of the nation hung in balance, steering it towards a new era under Tokugawa rule.
2 min read
The Battle of Stamford Bridge

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

England ablaze as kings clash! Hardrada’s Viking onslaught crushed at Stamford Bridge. But Norman shadows loom, setting the stage for Hastings’ ultimate showdown!
1 min read
Behind the Scenes with TTTLLLRRR and James Shechet

Behind the Scenes with TTTLLLRRR and James Shechet

In another world, tttlllrrr and I were Skvane Snorfingr and Fyodor Grigorovich, sworn swords in Warhammer: Dark Heresy. Now, they're in VIKINGS vs SAMURAI with epic voice acting!
1 min read
The Sword of Doom

The Sword of Doom

Meet Ryunosuke, a cold-blooded samurai with a haunted past. His blade, an instrument of chaos, clashes with honor and villainy. Ryunosuke’s journey, a descent into the heart of a fractured soul.
1 min read
Viking festival.

The Vibrancy of Viking Seasonal Festivals

Viking festivals synced with stars, celebrating nature’s cycles, community spirit, and divine reverence. Modern echoes in culture keep Viking legacy alive.
2 min read