Epic Skaldic Rap Battles

I’m reading Neil S. Price’s The Viking Way, and he’s going on about how Vikings used things like skaldic verse in these epic, all-out verbal showdowns of dexterity, wit and power. Now, I mean, sure, I knew about it, thanks to some Dungeon & Dragons adventures, but then it hit me. We’re gonna have Maria Dahvana Headley Beowulf-inspired rap battles in VIKINGS vs SAMURAI!
So they partied in Heorot, ‘til Grendel did appear,
Burstin’ through the door, filled with rage and fear.
But Beowulf was ready, and he grabbed that fiend’s arm,
Twisted it around, and caused Grendel harm.
Grendel cried out, his pain was immense,
He knew he’d met his match, there was no defense.
Beowulf tore that arm right out of its socket,
The victory was sweet, they all could rock it!