Inside the Longhouse with Vince Millett: An Age Undreamed

Vince Millett from The Secret Archives of the Vatican is back in the longhouse! We aren’t here just to shoot the breeze; nah, we’re here to spill the beans about their latest masterpiece, An Age Undreamed!
We’re gonna find out why they decided to drop a full-blown album instead of just flinging out a couple of singles like everybody else, alright? And hey, let’s not forget about the juicy stuff — the story behind the tracklist, why it’s so darn important to Vince. And we’ll also rap about fake Viking music. Then, we’ll shoot the breeze about album release rituals — yeah, you heard me right, rituals! There’s a whole shebang that goes down when you’re about to unleash your tunes into the wild, and Vince is gonna let us in on the hush-hush details. We’re also gonna hit the mean streets of the music biz and break down who’s getting the bigger paycheck when it comes to streaming — the artists or the suits behind the scenes. Oh, yeah, and we also talk about Brazil jiu-jitsu!