2 min read

Interview with Keith Bennett, Viking, and Death Ray Vision Frontman

Rock and roll, my friends, ain't just music Keith listens to—it's a way of goddamn life he embodies.
Death Ray Vision

I interviewed Death Ray Vision’s frontman and my old pal, Keith Bennett, about their new album, No Mercy from Electric Eyes, and his role as a warrior in Vikings vs. Samurai. Watch here.

Listen up, ladies and gents, 'cause I've got a tale to spin that'll leave you breathless. Picture this: Dejan Mandić, our savage illustrator, unleashes his sketches for my story, "The Bridge." And let me tell ya, I was damn thrilled. But as I scribbled notes for Dejan, my mind started wandering to the Viking in my saga. Now, here's where it gets interesting.

You see, this Viking character, he was just a quick sketch by Dejan. But in the depths of my imagination, he kept morphing into none other than my buddy Keith Bennett. Now, to understand the significance of that, let me give you a glimpse into the life of Keith. I've known this man for decades, back to his hardcore days as the bassist for Wrecking Crew. Onstage, Keith looked like a stone-cold monster, a force to be reckoned with. But offstage, he was the nicest damn guy you could ever meet. And here's the kicker: Keith always looked like a goddamn Viking. I mean, seriously, take a look at his photo. The man oozes Viking vibes like he's some warrior from our Mad Max future. Rock and roll, my friends, ain't just music Keith listens to—it's a way of goddamn life he embodies.

So, naturally, it was crystal clear to me that Keith had to be the Viking in my yarn. I reached out to him, and you know what? The man readily agreed. How cool is that? It's like the cosmos aligned, paving the way for this rock 'n' roll Viking to unleash his fury upon the pages of "The Bridge."

But hold your horses, folks, 'cause that ain't all. Turns out, Keith is not only a Viking in my tale, but he's also the frontman for Death Ray Vision. And let me tell ya, their latest album, No Mercy from Electric Eyes, is set to drop on Friday, June 30. Now, I've been thrashing out to the two preview tracks on their Bandcamp page, and let me tell ya, it's pure audio bliss. Crank up the volume and let the raw power of Death Ray Vision wash over you. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

To top it all off, I'm looking forward to catching up with Keith in Boston this fall. And if the stars align in my favor, I might just get to witness the ferocity of a Death Ray Vision show firsthand.

Stay tuned, my friends. The adventure has only just begun.