Keith Bennett Interview
Keith met his maker in the blood-soaked pages of the first issue of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI!

Keith Bennett. This guy? He’s a freakin’ icon in the punk rock/heavy metal scene in good ol’ Boston. But lemme tell ya, his story ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. Nope, this dude met his maker in the blood-soaked pages of the first issue of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI!
Keith’s band, Casket Rats, they’re dropping a bomb of an album soon, and you better believe they’re hitting the road for a tour that’ll melt faces from here to Timbuktu. Oh, and we ain’t done yet. Ever heard of Death Ray Vision? Yeah, that’s right, Keith’s the voice, nay, the roar, of that supergroup.
Earmuffs if yer kids are around.