King Cnut Commands!

At the behest of King Cnut III, Rådulv embarked upon a perilous voyage, leading a fleet of longships to the distant isle in the East to conquer its native inhabitants. A grand promise was made to Rådulv—a pledge of foes that would truly test the mettle of his fearsome axe. The wisdom of the king was not to be taken lightly, for he advised a measured approach in this bold venture.
The king, in his sagacity, counseled that before unleashing their fury, they should first stalk their quarry to understand the ways and weaknesses of their yet unseen adversaries. He proposed a reconnaissance mission, a stealthy incursion onto the island known as Tsushima, followed by a carefully executed sortie. And only then, when the moment was ripe, would they unleash the full force of their might to smite their foes with unrelenting wrath.