Motion Comic | Sellsword

In another world, tttlllrrr and I were Skvane Snorfingr and Fyodor Grigorovich, sworn swords serving our master, Inquisitor Ezekiel Chaxius, in a twisted Warhammer Dark Heresy campaign. Snorfingr was a space Viking, or durn near close enough. I hit up tttlllrrr, asking if I could toss Snorfingr into VIKINGS vs SAMURAI, and the man, bless his soul, gave me the green light.
Then came another flash of brilliance. I hit up tttlllrrr again and pitched the idea of him voicing Snorfingr in the motion comic. The guy didn’t just agree—he upped the ante. He brought in his cousin, James Shechet, to voice the villainous Lord Tsukamoto.
Now, James is a seasoned voice actor, so I expected a solid performance. But holy smokes, I wasn’t ready for what they delivered. They didn’t just voice the characters; they became Snorfingr and Tsukamoto. Their performances still give me chills. And guess what? Now you get to experience that magic too!
Story by Joseph Aleo. Art by Buğra Batuhan Berah.
Lord Tsukamoto performed by James Shechet, and Skvane Snorfingr performed by tttlllrrr
Music by Secret Archives of the Vatican.
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Dedicated to tttlllrrr, the real Skvane Snorfingr.