Shaman. Jarl. Failson.

Honorable lord, the ignominy of our defeat at the hands of the barbarian horde burned deeper than the mark their cudgel left upon my head. Regaining my faculties, I resolved to observe and learn as much as possible about the invaders. Though their braying tongue confounded my comprehension, I discerned that the sightless one, Rødrick, assumed the role of their seer and shaman. The hulking figure, Rådulv, held sway as their chieftain, bearing the title of “Jarl” in their crude language. The duplicitous one, known as Hansel, was whispered to be Rådulv’s inept progeny, thus dubbing him “failson.” I intend to exploit his treachery to effect my escape and return to your side, my lord. Let it be known that I shall seize the opportunity to glean valuable intelligence from their midst, with the ultimate objective of delivering our enemies into the cold embrace of defeat.