Simulating the Life of the Vikings

Every once in a while, I swing by the Facebook Midjourney Official just to check out what kinda pictures folks are conjuring up with their prompts. It’s usually a feast for the eyes, but truth be told, most of it slips right out of my mind like water through a sieve. Almost always. But then there are those rare moments when I stumble upon something that just grabs me by the throat and won’t let go. Take Spartan Ai’s The Norse Shogunate series, for instance. That thing had me hooked from the get-go.
And lately, I’ve been fixating on this cat named 鄭貴恆’s work. He’s been cooking up this Simulating the Life of the Vikings series, and let me tell you, it’s been rattling around in my brain pan. Sure, you got your longships and your battle-ready warriors, but there’s more to it. There’s scenes of folks just living, y’know? Drinking, sleeping, trading... the whole shebang. It’s beautiful.
So, naturally, I had to hit up 鄭貴恆 and ask if I could spread the word, share these gems with the rest of the world. And lo and behold, the dude was cool with it. So here you go, folks, feast your peepers on these bad boys, courtesy of the one and only 鄭貴恆.
Enjoy the show!
Music by Secret Archives of the Vatican.