1 min read

🔥 Sneak Peek! 🔥

In the next VIKINGS vs SAMURAI: Hansel, Hideo face fears, family secrets unveiled.
Hideo and the dragon!

In the next blood soaked issue of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI, Hansel and Hideo face “That Which They Fear Most!” Bonus: We also catch a glimpse of Hansel’s family secrets with his father and sister, Radůlv and Brynhildr.

This yarn comes courtesy of my pal, Mark Larranaga. When he pitched this tale, it festered in my skull like a boil that needed to be lanced. I wrangled that fevered dream into a script and sent it off to Buğra Batuhan Berah to work his voodoo. What he conjured up was pure nightmare fuel. We can’t wait to share it with you.

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