1 min read


Dave Fowler just wrapped up Mushikera issue two. Now, he’s tucking into VIKINGS vs SAMURAI. Oddr’s saga unfolds grittier and layered. Get ready for this yarn!
Oddr the Brave

Illustrator Dave Fowler just wrapped up issue two of Mushikera. You think the dude would kick back for a bit? Cool his heels? Hell no. He’s knee-deep in drawing the next issue of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI. This one’s a yarn called “The Saga of Oddr: The Bridegroom and the She-bear.” Dave sent me the first page, and I figured I’d give you all a little teaser.

I’ve spent a lot of time with Oddr. He’s strayed a long way from how I first envisioned him. The hero I thought he was? Yeah, not so much anymore. He’s rougher, got more layers, more edge. Still a drengr, bold and reckless as ever, but he’s grown. Dave’s brought him to life in a way that hits me right in the feels.

I hope you dig Oddr and that you’re ready for the yarn I’ll spin.