1 min read


Dave Fowler’s hyping Mushikera at TERRIFICON and working on VIKINGS vs SAMURAI. Want a sneak peek? Subscribe to our newsletter for all the epic, blood-soaked action!
Sneak peak panel form Oddr's saga.

Dave Fowler’s gearing up to hit TERRIFICON later this month, ready to rub elbows and hype the second issue of Mushikera. And let me tell you, I don’t know how this guy does it, but he’s also been cranking away on the upcoming VIKINGS vs SAMURAI, where we get to dive into Oddr’s saga.

Dave sent me a sneak peek of one of his killer pages, and because I’m that kinda guy, I’m sharing it with you. So, if you don’t want to miss a single blood-soaked page, subscribe to our monthly newsletter. You know you want to!