

You wouldn’t know it, but behind the scenes, I do a ton of research to make VIKINGS vs SAMURAI a gripping story and a world you can immerse yourself in. Fortunately for both of us, the research is a hell of a lot of fun!
Sunday Comic Book Haul

Sunday Comic Book Haul

Just had a great chat with Kenny at Nuclear Comics in San Diego! He recommended Tynion, Hickman, & Brubaker. Picked up From Hell & a book of Mœbius interviews.
1 min read
Vikings at War

Vikings at War

Vikings at War explores Viking warfare, from weapons and tactics to conquest campaigns. Award-winning and richly illustrated, it’s a vivid portrayal of an exciting epoch.
1 min read
Paul Di Filippo’s Forthcoming Yarn for VIKINGS vs SAMURAI

Paul Di Filippo’s Forthcoming Yarn for VIKINGS vs SAMURAI

Few moons back, chatting with Paul Di Filippo about cyberpunk comics, I pitched Vikings vs Samurai. He’s in! Just got his script, “Ægir and Shōjō Hoist a Few!”
1 min read
The Blade Itself

The Blade Itself

Blazed through Abercrombie’s “The Blade Itself”! Gripping tale, powerful voice. Ain’t a series fan, but this? Worth the plunge.
How Comics Were Made

A Chat with Glenn Fleishman, Author of How Comics Were Made

Comic revelations: Glenn Fleishman shares his journey behind his new book, How Comics Were Made: A Visual History from the Drawing Board to the Printed Page.
1 min read
How Comics Were Made: A Visual History from the Drawing Board to the Printed Page

How Comics Were Made: A Visual History from the Drawing Board to the Printed Page

From pencil to pixel: a visual odyssey through comic strip history, spanning the 1890s to today.
1 min read
A History of Japan to 1134

A History of Japan to 1134

A History of Japan to 1134 by George Sansom is a meticulously researched and eloquently written book offering a comprehensive look at Japan’s early history, culture, politics, and military strategies
1 min read
The Wanderer’s Havamal

The Wanderer’s Havamal

The Wanderer’s Hávamál features Jackson Crawford's complete, carefully revised English translation of the Old Norse poem Hávamál, newly annotated for this volume, together with facing original Old Norse text sourced directly from the Codex Regius manuscript.
1 min read
amurai War Cry!

Samurai War Cry!

Cummins, A. (2016). Samurai and Ninja: The Real Story Behind the Japanese Warrior Myth that Shatters the Bushido Mystique. United
1 min read
Ancient wisdom.

Unearthing Ancient Wisdom with Neil S. Price and Steven Mithen

I’m knee-deep in Neil S. Price's The Viking Way.
1 min read