Hardcore History 70 – Twilight of the Æsir II
Pagan Viking Sea Kings spend the 10th and 11th centuries morphing into Christian monarchs. But with rulers like Harald Bluetooth and Svein Forkbeard it’s debatable whether things will be any less horrific for Scandinavia’s neighbors.
The Eight Noble Virtues of a Samurai by Shogun’s Castle
The Eight Noble Virtues of a Samurai by Shogun’s Castle is a concept album kissed by medieval Japan and the Samurai code.
Raiders Turned Traders: How Vikings Became Cheese Merchants in Medieval Spain
The Vikings pillaged the city and the surrounding areas. Emir Abd ar-Rahman II of Córdoba mobilized and sent a large force against the Vikings under the command of the hajib (chief-minister) Isa ibn Shuhayd.
Lost at Sea: The Forgotten Art of Natural Navigation
Although not all their methods are fully understood, evidence that is woven into the sagas suggests a strong understanding of marine life, in addition to astronomical savvy.
Samurai Champloo
Join Fuu Kasumi, a clumsy waitress, and samurais Mugen and Jin in a wild ride through Edo Japan, hunting a samurai with a sunflower scent.
What Tsuba Ring, Tsuka-maki Wrapping, and Sageo String Are Really For
Let’s talk katana. Ever wondered what all the parts are for? Shogo breaks it down and shows an iaidō kata, so you’ll see it in action.
Jomsviking by Amon Amarth
The Jomsvikings set the stage for this album. A young guy, in love but losing her, takes a dark turn. Revenge consumes him. It’s no feel-good tale.
Jackson Crawford
Real expertise in Norse language and myth, free of both ivory tower elitism and the agendas of self-appointed gurus.
Futha by Heilung
With lyrics from old Icelandic poetry and more female voices, Heilung takes you back to a time before Christianity and modern politics, connecting you with something ancient and primal.
The Viking Way
Diving into Neil S. Price’s The Viking Way for research on Vikings vs. Samurai.