1 min read

The Saga of Skvane Snorfingr

I honor Snorfingr by including him as inspiration for a character in a forthcoming yarn in VIKINGS vs SAMURAI.
Skvane Snorfinr

Back in 2023, me and my crew played Dark Heresy, a Warhammer 40,000 role-playing game. One of the characters was Skvane Snorfingr, straight outta Fenris, brought to life by my buddy tttlllrrr. Snorfingr was a magnificent beast, thirsting for revenge against our double-crossing Inquisitor. Betrayed, left for dead — long story.

I honor Snorfingr by including him as inspiration for a character in a forthcoming yarn in VIKINGS vs SAMURAI. Got the beats all laid out, and diagrammed the panels on the page. Now, its about polishing the script, making sure Snorfingr’s legacy shines through in every word.