A New Tradition

So there I was, last month, hammering away at the script for “The Bridegroom and the She-bear.” I was riding high, thinking I'd be on cloud nine once it was all said and done. But you know what? Life threw me a curveball, man. I was crushed. What the hell, right? So I hit up Neil Gaiman, asked him if he ever got sucker-punched like that. And you know what he said? He said it’s par for the course, and hey, even Sandman 8’s about that kinda crap, among other things.
So, I figured, screw it, let’s make a ritual outta this. Every time I put a bow on a story, I’m busting out the akvavit.
Fast forward to tonight, I’ve been chewing on this story idea my buddy Mark Larranaga tossed my way. And boom, just like that, I nailed down the beats. The script for the next issue of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI is officially in the can. It’s called “That Which They Fear Most.” Four pages of pure gold, my friends. It was a beast to wrangle. Had to break out the notecards just to keep track of all the moving parts. First time for everything, right?
This baby’s packed with dialogue, introducing a whole bunch more characters to the mix. Just shot off the script to Buğra Batuhan Berah to work his magic. Can’t freaking wait to unleash this bad boy on the world in a few weeks.
So here’s to you, me, and this shot of akvavit.