Unearthing History: Denmark’s Oldest Runic Inscription Revealed on 2,000-Year-Old Knife
The runic inscription — the alphabet of Denmark's earliest written language — was etched into an 8cm iron knife found in a grave below an urn near the city of Odense on the island of Funen.
Mørketsland by ProtoU & Oljus
protoU & Oljus drop Mørketsland, a Viking-inspired dark ambient album. Ritual drumming, deep drone, echoes through dark forests and underground caves.
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto
Why don’t you behead me? You shame me this way!
Obsidian, A Grimoire for Personal Knowledge Management
If you're in the creative type or you're a productivity junkie like yours truly, you might want to look into Obsidian.
Crime Fiction and Ronin Rabbits
I strolled into the heart of the city, books in tow, hitting up the public library like it owed me a favor.
Brynhildr’s Oath
Brother, no wolf’s claw, but me at thy gate’s keep.
First time I saw Beowulf? Eye-rolls and groans. But round two? Surprisingly fun.
The Bridegroom and the She-Bear: A Saga Brewing Within
Tonight, while walking Blossom, my loyal hound, Loki whispered the secret recipe in my ear to tell my tale.
Fun Gi, J.M. Ringuet’s Epic Adventure
I’m cruising through Instagram, right? And boom! I stumble upon J.M. Ringuet. Dude’s an art wizard. But
Exploring the Norse World on Screen: What Epic Adventure Should I Watch Next?
I watched a lot of Viking movies this weekend. What should I watch next?