1 min read

Sámi Mojo, Samurai, and Vikings

The ancient settlers in Japan were a motley crew, including Finns, Huns, Tungusic tribes, and Mongols.
Sámi Mojo

Alright, look, I ain’t gonna sit here and swear by the historical accuracy of VIKINGS vs SAMURAI. I mean, come on, Vikings duking it out with samurai? We’re talking about a clash that’s more like a wild fever dream than a history lesson. But let me tell you, I’d be a complete dimwit not to sprinkle some real historical facts into the mix when I’m spinning a tale. So yeah, I’m diving into Viking and samurai flicks and flipping through comic books like they’re candy. But I ain’t stopping there. I’m digging deep into Neil S. Price’s The Viking Way, getting into the nitty-gritty of Viking beliefs and spirituality. And George Sansmom’s A History of Japan to 1134? You bet I’m hitting those pages, too.

Sansom throws it out there that Japan wasn’t inhabited until, what, maybe 5,000 years ago? But here’s the kicker—turns out those ancient settlers in Japan were a motley crew, including Finns, Huns, Tungusic tribes, and Mongols.

Finns? Hold up. Could those settlers have had a touch of the Sámi people in ‘em, the same folks whose spiritual mojo the Vikings inherited? Now, that right there’s got me thinking. There’s gotta be a story lurking in the shadows, something that brings our enemies together when they least expect it. Or maybe it’s the kind of thing that makes any chance of them teaming up utterly impossible.

A History of Japan to 1134 hit the shelves back in ’58, so who’s to say how spot-on it is compared to what we know now? But lemme tell ya, that book’s sparking ideas left and right.