Samurai Women 1184–1877

Ever heard of Empress Jingū? No? Well, let me tell you, she wasn’t your average empress. She led a whole invasion of Korea, and get this, she did it while she was pregnant with the future Emperor Ojin. Badass, right?
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. See, Japan’s got a rich history, full of stories you’ve never heard before. And right here, in Stephen Turnbull’s Samurai Women 1184–1877, he tells tales of Japan’s female warriors.
And I ain’t talking about your run-of-the-mill stories you find in history books. It’s chock full of material that’s never seen the light of day in English before. We’re talking about their weapons, their gear, the roles they played, the training they underwent, and even their belief systems.
So, if you’re ready for a journey through history that’s rarely talked about, then this book is for you. You won’t be disappointed.