Sunday Comic Book Haul
Just had a great chat with Kenny at Nuclear Comics in San Diego! He recommended Tynion, Hickman, & Brubaker. Picked up From Hell & a book of Mœbius interviews.

I just chatted with Kenny at Nuclear Comics here in beautiful San Diego. The man was kind enough to let me bend his ear about writing and publishing comics. He put a bee in my bonnet and said I must read work by James Tynion, Jonathan Hickman, and Ed Brubaker. Tynion’s the only one new to me, so he’s added to my reading list.
While there, I picked up Alan Moore’s From Hell, which I’ve been meaning to read for a long time, and a book of interviews with Mœbius.
I’m gonna finish my poke bowl, head home, and crackntje spines of these fine books.