1 min read

Unearthing Ancient Wisdom with Neil S. Price and Steven Mithen

I’m knee-deep in Neil S. Price's The Viking Way.
Ancient wisdom.

I’m knee-deep in Neil S. Price's The Viking Way, a real literary cocktail that blends archaeology, history, and some deep-dive into Germanic and circumpolar religion. Price, he’s got his finger on the pulse of the cognitive processualist scene, you know? These folks, they’ve been digging into the evolution of human thought right from the get-go, like back when our ancestors were just figuring out how to use their noggins. Price namedrops Steven Mithen, who has been slinging knowledge on patterned behavior among our early hunter-gatherer buddies. I had a blast reading Mithen’s book, After the Ice: A Global Human History, 20,000—5000 BC. So, I'm primed for Price’s hot takes on Viking culture, and I’m here for every page of it.