A Chat with Glenn Fleishman, Author of How Comics Were Made

Today on Instagram Live, yours truly had a powwow with none other than Glenn Fleishman, the mastermind behind How Comics Were Made: A Visual History from the Drawing Board to the Printed Page.
Gary spilled the beans on what sparked the fire for this book, the curveballs that smacked him upside the head during his research, and how this baby changed his whole dang outlook on comic strips and comic books. Oh, and let’s not forget about his tête-à-tête with none other than Garry Trudeau, the creator of the long-lived Doonesbury comic strip. It ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. We chewed the fat about the blood, sweat, and tears of wrangling up the funds for this bad boy on Kickstarter.
What in Tarnation are you waiting for? Don’t be a square; pony up and make this book a reality!