Fun Gi, J.M. Ringuet’s Epic Adventure

I’m cruising through Instagram, right? And boom! I stumble upon J.M. Ringuet. Dude’s an art wizard. But it’s not just about J.M., no sir, it’s about what he introduces me to — Fun Gi. Now, Fun Gi? Perfect match for VIKINGS vs SAMURAI, my thing.
So, I get J.M. on board to illustrate “Cold Embrace,” and boy, does he deliver! I’m talking ferocity that even catches me off guard.
Now, picture this: post-holiday chill, a wintery afternoon, and I finally dive into J.M. Ringuet’s masterpiece, Fun Gi. This ain’t your regular tale, folks. It’s an epic filled with adventure, stakes as high as Everest. And get this, sentient mushrooms and giant insects — they’re part of the deal. Don’t ask, just roll with it. Oh, and you have to love a comic book that includes a map of the world our protagonists will explore.
If you two can’t shut your mouths, I’ll carve ’em out of you!
Our lead? Basan Natta. Red-capped warrior, silent type, on a mission. Then there’s Dochiin, the philosophical sidekick with brains and heart. And the captives, Captain Uril Barius and the solid Kurya Sumu — these guys are in for one heck of an adventure!
J.M.’s artwork? Smooth, graceful, with this palette that screams fungal nature — muted greens, browns, reds, and oranges. The visuals? I’m talking crossing swirling streams, messenger critters flying to kingdoms, and the magnificent Ongi bridge.
Now, if this has got your curiosity tingling (trust me, mine’s off the charts), grab hold of this issue and don’t stop there — chapter two just hit the shelves!