1 min read

Notebooks, Pens and Pencils

Looking back at 2023, one of the real game changers for me? Notebooks.
Notebooks, Pens and Pencils

Looking back at 2023, one of the real game changers for me? Notebooks.

Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Obvious, right? I mean, duh.

But hold up, let me break it down for you.

I’m all about that digital life. Phones, laptops, dictating notes to my phone like it’s my own personal assistant. Editing, moving files around -- easy peasy. So why bother with a notebook? Seems limited, right? My notebooks sat there, unfilled and collecting dust.

But something switched up this year. Started scribbling down these random notes, throwing ideas and beats onto paper, even jotting down dialog my characters might say. Next thing I know, I’m carrying these notebooks everywhere I go. Still rocking my tech, but man, something about that pen and paper, I think and write differently.

So here’s my kit:

What gear do you roll with?