
Ronin was an American comic book limited series, published by DC Comics between 1983 and 1984, is a wild ride. Written and drawn by the one and only Frank Miller, with artwork painted by Lynn Varley, Ronin takes us to a dystopic near-future New York City.
Ronin is reincarnated, and things get real. This six-issue series is like a collision of manga and bande dessinée, leaving its mark on Miller’s style both in artwork and narrative.
Even though Miller both wrote and drew Ronin, he used the full script method. He’d write a detailed panel-by-panel script for each issue before putting pen to paper. But, here’s the thing, sometimes he’d make changes on the fly. For example, when he started drawing Ronin #1, he realized the story needed something big. So, he threw in an explosion and a demon shot across the city. It was a game-changer.