Sunday Graphic Novel Haul

Ah, Sunday, the sacred pilgrimage to my local library, where I embark on a graphic novel heist. Today’s loot: Junji Ito’s Black Paradox and the dynamic duo Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips’s Reckless.
What’s Black Paradox about? No idea. But Junji Ito, the creep, hooked me with Uzumaki, a city cursed by spirals. Yeah, you heard me right, spirals. Innocent enough, right? Wrong. After that ride, I can’t look at a fingerprint without a shiver. That’s storytelling that gets under your skin. And here’s the kicker – Uzumaki is dropping as an animated series this year, so you can let the spiral madness invade your own nightmares.
Now, Reckless – I don’t know jack about the plot, either, but the artwork? It’s aces, baby. And when heavyweights like Damon Lindelof, Joe Hill, and Patton Oswalt give it the nod, you know you’re in for a damn treat. It’s like a crime fiction craving, and I’m diving into the rabbit hole, especially when I’m already drowning in all things Viking and samurai. But I can’t resist a good crime yarn, like David Lapham’s Stray Bullets series – that stuff’s my guilty pleasure.
Here’s the twist – I can't quite put my finger on it, but there’s something in the air. I’m knee-deep working on a another comic book called Boris, and guess what? Buğra Batuhan Berah, our artist extraordinaire, is cooking up a crime fiction comic too. It’s like the universe is sending some mysterious, message our way.
So spill the beans, what’s on your reading list?