First time I saw Beowulf? Eye-rolls and groans. But round two? Surprisingly fun.
I am willing to have blood on my hands for you.
Revenge and camaraderie fuel a perilous quest. Feudal intrigue and duels unfurl. Loyalties shift, secrets cut deep. A blood-soaked tapestry weaves tales of honor and treachery.
Imaginary Worlds — Seeing Ourselves in Norse Myths
Thor and Loki have become pop culture icons thanks to Marvel. But the influence of Norse mythology on contemporary fantasy runs through Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and so much more.
Samurai Rebellion
Will you draw on your secret principles of swordplay?
The 47 Ronin: Mizoguchi’s Epic of Honor and Resistance
Look around you. Everyone here has brought his short sword as well as a cotton robe, possibly never to see his family again, prepared to die.
Blue Eye Samurai: Revenge, Gender and Race
My whole life has been a battle.
Akira Kurosawa’s Ran
The old lion, weary and seeking solace, decides to step down, making way for the ascendancy of his trio of heirs.
The Wanderer’s Havamal
The Wanderer’s Hávamál features Jackson Crawford's complete, carefully revised English translation of the Old Norse poem Hávamál, newly annotated for this volume, together with facing original Old Norse text sourced directly from the Codex Regius manuscript.
Blood, Blades, and Berserkers: The 13th Warrior
Antonio Banderas, our charismatic hero, is Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan, a 10th-century Arab poet who gets himself mixed up in some serious Viking business.